Take the lead today and always, armed with strength and confidence that comes with the ability to lead and follow both on and off the dance floor. Learn skills such as: self esteem, self respect, respect for others, poise, style, excellent posture, discipline, confidence and more…
Build New Skill With Weekly Dance Lessons
For better or worse, the daily grind of childhood and adolescence don’t always lend themselves toward earning grace and poise. Adding dance lessons can allow your kids to learn skills that have been all but lost from a life of video games and online socializing. Weekly dance classes at Arthur Murray Greenwich will allow dancers to naturally learn grace, poise, and etiquette as they master the art of ballroom dancing.
Exercise Can Be Fun With Dancing
Children often get exercise through sports and outdoor activities, but not every teen is involved in these activities. For those who don’t get enough physical activity elsewhere, or don’t seem to like sports, weekly dance lessons can teach them how much fun physical activity can be. By allowing them to choose their favorite dance genre, they’ll be enjoying themselves and learning something that they’ll be able to use later on.They’ll spend time with new friends, building their physical strength and their social skills all while having fun!